This page shows an example for creating tabs that are
The height of the menu is not set... gets auto-set by fon-size in anchors (0.9em)
See other demo including IDs for tabs and connected content...
It uses one image used as a sprite that can handle a wide range of tab-sizes and is still quite small in size (859Bytes):
Here is the clean HTML:
<ul class="tabbar"> <li class="tabnotsel"> <a href="#">Menu 01</a> </li> <li class="tabsel"> <a href="#">Menu longer</a> </li> <li class="tabnotsel"> <a href="#">Menu 03</a> </li> <li class="tabnotsel"> <a href="#">Menu 04</a> </li> <li class="tabnotsel"> <a href="#">...and here a very long menu (could be up to 800pixels wide)</a> </li> </ul> <div class="tabcontent"> <div>Text of element 1</div> <div>Text of element 2</div> <div>Text of element 3</div> <div>Text of element 4</div> <div>Text of element 5</div> </div>